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James Spader
Late Night with Conan O'Brien

New York, airdate: February 19, 2004

  Play "Late Night with Conan O'Brien" with James Spader
(10 1/2 min., 242k bitrate)

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James Spader on Late Night with Conan O'Brien Feb. 19, 2004Spader: I did a phone call for "Frasier" from my bed. I actually got paid - they wrote me a check. I just sat in bed, the phone rang, I picked it up - some call-in listener on the show - talking to them, naked, lying in my bed.

Conan: Now why did you have to be naked for that?

Spader: No. I'm naked when I'm in bed. I didn't have to be naked, but when I'm in bed - I'm naked.

Conan: You sound very defiant about that. Like, "When I'm in bed - naked time!"

Spader: I'm naked, that's it. And if you're going to join me, you better be naked, too.

Conan: I didn't ask to join you!

Spader: That's your choice.


James Spader: "Cotton mouth" Here comes another sip from his crutch, the humble glass of water:

"Cotton mouth. Bong hits in the dressing room."
James Spader: "...and she was deathly afraid of clowns." "...and she was deathly afraid of clowns."
James Spader: "We haven't even gotten to fried eggs!" Our Spader, waxing eloquent about his favorite way to relax:

"...that perfect white of the white and then the perfect sort of orange yellow as it runs over....anyway - we haven't even gotten to fried eggs!"
James Spader: "...LA is like a really pretty hooker..." And finally...the enigma that is Spader concocts a magnificent metaphor that slides your brain from weirdness to that realization how correct he is.

"...LA is like a really pretty hooker. It's a place that is very transient. People go there, exploit it, take advantage of it - and then leave."

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